Wine lovers Christmas presents

Christmas presents can be quite a headache but there are some great options if you or your friend happens to be a wine lover. There are wide variety of cool, useful and fun presents. Some could even be made at home to give a present a personal touch, for example who wouldn’t love homemade Cabernet Sauvignon truffles?!?

My top 11 wine lovers Christmas ideas are:

Wine chocolate
laWine is delicious, chocolate is delicious, together they are super delicious! La Goulue is
a chocolatier in Argentina offering two types of wine chocolates – milk chololate with Malbec filling and dark chocolate with Cabernet Sauvignon filling.


Wine holder

To give something extra to a regular wine holders why not to get something different! Like a lovely bird or man shape wine holder. holder product_thumb

Wine theme board games

This is a fun one! The options are endless and it is a great excuse why to drink wine 🙂

Couple of games to check are : Winerd, World of wines and Wineoply. 
wineoplolywinerd world of wine

Bottle or a case of a good wine

meviMix and match some good wines for a good friend. If getting a bottle, adding some cheeses to go with it is a great idea. For example with Chardonnay hard cheeses like Parmesan and Gouda will go very well.


Special wine glass

swarsrarsThis option is great not only for Christmas. Something to give to a special person, Swarovski has an offer of two beautiful Chrystalline White Wine Glasses. It is pricey but will most surely make an impact!

Funny corkscrew
corkscHas happened before that I buy a bottle of wine when I go to a friends house and oh my oh my..she doesn’t have a corkscrew. So this present is perfect for a friend who has a good sense of humor and no corkscrew.

Wine wipes to get rid of red wine marks on teeth

wine-wipes-single-pack1-247x300Don’t you just hate how after drinking red wine the teeth stay all purple. Wine wipes are a great solution to make drinking red wine less red. It is a great present for yourself, for a sister or a friend.  You can just go to the restroom and wipe off the dark smile and make other jealous of your pearly teeth.

A good book about wine

wine bibleA good book book not only makes your friend happy but it also makes you look good. A smart present for a person who could use some more information about wines and who likes to learn more, for example ”The Wine Bible” by Karen McNeil.

Wine soap

downloadThis could apply not only for soaps but I just love the handmade beautiful soaps. Wine has many good qualities and it smells good as well!

Wine rack

It is time to show off those bottles of wine that are hiding in the dark corner somewhere or worse..there is no wine! A good solution is to have a small wine rack in the kitchen or living room so you could always be prepared for visitors and that your friends would always be ready to receive you, of course the last is the best benefit of giving your friend a wine rack. Options are wide and it there is something out there for every household.

2 3 rack rack1

 Make your own presents

images (1)How about some home made hot wine glöggi?

bagMake your own wine bag!

trufflesYou can make your own truffles with a touch of Cabernet Sauvignon, here is a receipe.




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